Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut
On the past two, 4 hour visits, our child has come home repeating racist comments from her new husband.
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.Sexism: prejudice, discrimination or stereotyping based on the basis on ones gender.
Of what race is the new husband?
Do you like him?
Would your level of annoyance vary depending upon his race or upon how well you liked him as a person?
Would you be less annoyed if the grandmother made that same comment?
I overheard a 30 something woman of color loudly advising her sister not to date anyone but white men. "Latin and Black men think they own you and will cheat on you".That was her opinion apparently based on her life's experience and she was free to say it loudly in a public place without fear of backlash from some virtue signaler who overheard her.
It seems like today, women can make whatever across the board statement about men, however unfair, without being considered a sexist. Similarly, people of color can make unfair comments or jokes about other races without fear of being considered a racist.
I would say that since your wife is in charge of your daughters upbringing while she is in her custody, you can only ask that she do what she can to stem the racist remarks while she is with her and then set a good example for your daughter yourself, the rest of the time.
"Fine Witness" diluted in latest experience
by neat blue dog inthe latest jwdotorg experience starts very familiarly:.
danielle, one of jehovah’s witnesses in south africa, found a bag that a customer had left behind in a coffee shop.
inside the bag was a wallet with money and credit cards.. when the owner met her to get it back,.
Pete Zahut
Man returns $43,000 found in used thrift store couch.
New Wuhan coronavirus around.....
by mikeflood innew coronavirus wreaking havoc.....first case detected in the us one hour ago....six deaths already in china.....hope it gets controlled soon.....
Pete Zahut
Remember the Ebola virus a few years ago? From the sound of the news coverage back then, the entire world economy was to be ruined by it because everyone of working age would be sick and or dying.
All I remember is that coverage of Ebola crisis was on the news by the hour until the Bill Cosby scandal hit the news. Then it just went away. Before that, it was the Bird Flu but that went away when Rosanne Barr caused an uproar over the way she sang the National Anthem.
Did these diseases simply disappear and how does the predicted outcome of the Ebola virus and the Bird Flu compare to the present day outbreak we are hearing about?
The Simpson's APU is now NOT politically correct...
by The Fall Guy he's being cut from the the programme.
the world is going bonkers!
Pete Zahut
Everyone belongs to an ethnic group so let's ban the Simpsons altogether since everyone on the show is made to look foolish. While we're at it, let's ban the Lucky Charms Leprechaun with his red hair and stereotypical Irish accent lest he offend Irish people.
Could this be part of the reason for the WT “big relocation” campaign?
by Hecce incottage grove, minn. (ap) — a struggling minnesota church is asking its older parishioners to leave in hopes of making it more attractive to young families.. .
grove united methodist church in the st. paul suburb of cottage grove is closing in june, with plans to relaunch in november.
the present members, most of them over 60 years old, will be invited to worship elsewhere, the st. paul pioneer press reported.
Pete Zahut
For the last few years the faithful brothers that were taking the lead have been replaced by 30-40 new blood and little by little they have been put to pasture.
I think this is being done to get rid of the older ones who remember how things used to be and who may question why they've changed what is considered "The Truth" for decades. It's easier to manipulate a rookie as compared to someone who has been at it for decades and is beginning to see the flaws in their organization.
If you speak against the Governing Body you will be punished.
by punkofnice inthis was a comment from the meeting(tm) on sunday.. the person that told me about it, is very confused about the validity of the corporation.
somewhere between a pimo and a pimi-lite.
the thing that angered me was that this person has cancer.
Pete Zahut
The thing that angered me was that this person has Cancer. (I won't give any more info), and is now worried that this is because they do not believe the GB(piss be upon them), represent anything Biblical.
Remind that person that Nathan Knorr was diagnosed with cancer while he was the President of the WTBS so if the GB members themselves can get cancer, why would this persons cancer be a punishment from God for not believing in the Governing Body? -
"Fine Witness" diluted in latest experience
by neat blue dog inthe latest jwdotorg experience starts very familiarly:.
danielle, one of jehovah’s witnesses in south africa, found a bag that a customer had left behind in a coffee shop.
inside the bag was a wallet with money and credit cards.. when the owner met her to get it back,.
Pete Zahut
Jehovah's Witnesses feel they have the market cornered on being honest. When a Jehovah's Witnesses is honest and good, he calls it being Christian but what do they call it when a Buddhist or Muslim does the same thing?
From all indications, they'd call it a rare occurrence and they certainly wouldn't acknowledg the honesty or good acts of anyone but a JW even though it happens all the time.
Virtue Signalers....who care mostly about how doing the right thing, makes them appear to others.
Outcast Doctrines
by Socrateswannabe inin a recent post about the watchtower’s claim that all animals were created as vegetarians, one commenter said that watchtower could no longer sustain this belief so they simply stopped talking about it.
i began thinking about other wacky doctrines and statements by the borg that have faded away.
i’ll offer two of them below, but the complete list must be longer than your arm.. 7000 year-long creative days: watchtower once taught that each of the creative days was 7,000 years in duration, hence the hype leading up to 1975. they believed that year marked 6,000 years since adam’s creation, and oh how nicely the 1,000-year reign would fit as the last piece of the puzzle, thus completing the final “day”.
Pete Zahut
Once heart transplants became common and the person receiving the transplant didn't change, they stopped claiming that the heart is the "seat of our emotions" the way the once did on a regular basis. They let that notion fade away without an explanation.
The JW media Mecca
by lastmanstanding ini was thinking about how the org is dying, and how the guboobs are trying to give it cpr by transitioning to tvpreach.
now they will construct a media mecca and it looks like they will go full on e digital.
so, i was trying to come up with a name for their new hollywood that would stick.
Pete Zahut
Paradise Pictures
Overlappingwood Studioss
Millennium Bros. Productions